Copeland & Son Services has certified HVAC technicians equipped to handle your AC installation near Franklin TN.
Copeland & Son Services has certified HVAC technicians equipped to handle your AC installation near Franklin TN.
Copeland & Son Services has certified HVAC technicians equipped to handle your AC installation near Franklin TN.
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100% Money Back Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Copeland & Son Air Conditioning And Heating Service, Inc. guarantees that during the entire first year that you own your new unit, if at any time during the first year of installation, you are not 100% satisfied with craftsmanship we have performed, we will re-install any part of the installation to your 100% satisfaction at no additional charge.

“If at any time during the first year of installation, you are not 100% satisfied
with the craftsmanship we have performed, we will re-install any part of the installation to your 100% satisfaction at no additional charge."

  1. This offer is applicable only during the first year of installation.
  2. This offer is applicable only to homeowner's primary personal residence. Not applicable to any rental or commercial properties in residences where the owner is not the primary resident.
  3. Homeowner is responsible for painting, patching, and/or restoration work in the event that a part is removed.
  4. Owner must provide access for any re-installed part to be removed weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  5. Owners agree to allow a Copeland & Son representative ample time for the resolution of dissatisfaction.
  6. Any changes beyond the original agreement will be an additional charge.