Copeland & Son Services has certified HVAC technicians equipped to handle your AC installation near Franklin TN.
Copeland & Son Services has certified HVAC technicians equipped to handle your AC installation near Franklin TN.
Copeland & Son Services has certified HVAC technicians equipped to handle your AC installation near Franklin TN.
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Coil Cleaning Service

Cleaning Your AC Coils Will Save Energy and Help Your Family Breathe Cleaner Air

To cool the air in your home, air is passed over chilled coils before being distributed throughout your home. The refrigerant run through the coils not only cools the air, but it causes condensation to form on the coils as heat and humidity are pulled out of the air and transferred outdoors. The condensation on the coils collects airborne dust and dirt from the air circulating in your home.

We can clean your AC coils to save money and improve your air.

Clean coils improves system efficiency and longevity.

Not only does affect the quality of your indoor air but, in time, this buildup on the coils will create resistance, making your system work harder to deliver cooled air. You may notice your electric bills going up. You will definitely know you have a problem if your system becomes damaged and stops working.

Keeps Air Flowing Freely and Promotes Efficiency

At Copeland & Son, we are experienced in removing any debris and cleaning your clogged condenser coils. Our technicians have the tools and training to get into the coil, fan, and other affected components of the system. A specialized cleaning spray is used to condition the coils to resist buildup and promote maximum airflow.

After cleaning, we will inspect both the outdoor and indoor components of your system for any damage. Of course, if anything is found, we will bring it to your attention. We will also prime your system for optimal performance by checking your system pressure, refrigerant levels, and more, making any adjustments as needed.

Coil Cleaning

How Often is it Needed?

We recommend coil cleaning at least once, if not twice, a year. Our technician will be able to recommend which based on your home and environment.
If you have a furnace, continuing to check and change your furnace filter each month you run your air conditioner to slow down coil buildup and maintain efficiency. This is because your air conditioning system uses the same air distribution system as your furnace.
If you have pets that shed, you may find your filter needs changing more often.

"A buildup of .042 (1/20) inches of dirt on the heating or cooling coil can result in a decrease in efficiency of 20%."
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

If you live in the Nashville area, call us at (615) 244-9520 with any questions and to schedule coil cleaning to protect your AC system and keep it running efficiently.